Mathematik Gymivorbereitung

Our daugh­ter pro­fi­ted very much from the cour­se. We can cer­tain­ly recom­mend it!


Preparation Courses Kurzzeitgymnasium 2025/26

A sys­te­ma­tic pre­pa­ra­ti­on for the ent­rance exami­na­ti­on to the Gym­na­si­um gives self-con­fi­dence and increa­ses the chan­ces of suc­cess. In small groups of a maxi­mum of 5 par­ti­ci­pan­ts, we repeat the rele­vant sub­ject mat­ter and prac­ti­ce the various task types. The Open Lear­ning Space is based in the See­feld. The school manage­ment knows every pupil per­so­nal­ly — every child has its pecu­lia­ri­ties that we want to address. Cour­se start in See­feld is after the sum­mer and autumn holidays.

Focus: The first half of the cour­se con­sists of the repe­ti­ti­on of key topics of 1. and 2. Sekun­dar­schu­le. Com­pe­ten­ces are review­ed after each topic block with inter­me­dia­te exams. An inte­gral part of the cour­se are 5 cor­rec­ted essays and 2 exam simu­la­ti­ons.

In par­ti­cu­lar, the fol­lo­wing topics are dealt with in depth:

Mathe­ma­tics: Cal­cu­la­ti­on with mass units, direct and inver­se pro­por­ti­ons, frac­tions, text pro­blems, geometry.

Ger­man: essay theo­ry, lan­guage ana­ly­sis, direct and indi­rect speech, grammar, text comprehension.

Struc­tu­re: 2 les­sons of 75 minu­tes each (D & M) per cour­se day.

Dura­ti­on: 20 Cour­se days start­ing after sum­mer holi­days or 14 cour­se days start­ing after fall holidays.

Excerp­ts from our cour­se docu­ments are available as a PDF download.

Preparation courses Gymnasium starting after summer holidays