Pre­pa­ra­ti­on Cour­ses for the Offi­ci­al Ent­ry Exam to the „Gym­na­si­ums“ of Can­ton Zurich

We offer seve­ral pre­pa­ra­ti­on cour­ses for the offi­ci­al ent­ry exam to „Gym­na­si­um“. Repe­ti­ti­on of core sub­jects, prac­ti­cing of pro­blem solu­ti­on stra­te­gies and exten­si­ve sol­ving of actu­al exam ques­ti­ons are cen­tral to our pre­pa­ra­ti­on stra­tegy. In order to obtain opti­mal con­di­ti­ons for your child, we test him or her regu­lar­ly, assess seve­ral essays and per­form exam simu­la­ti­ons. We have seve­ral clas­ses for stu­dents pre­pa­ring for „Lang­zeit­gym­na­si­um“ and „Kurz­zeit­gym­na­si­um“ on dif­fe­rent days and at dif­fe­rent times, start­ing after the sum­mer and autumn holidays.

Requi­re­ments for the cour­se participation:

Your child must be pre­pared to do about 2–3 hours extra home­work next to the school rou­ti­ne. In the exam sub­jects, the gra­des should also be at least 5 to have rea­li­stic chan­ces of pas­sing the exam.

Preparation courses Gymnasium starting after summer holidays

Preparation courses Gymnasium starting after summer holidays