Personal tutoring in Zurich Seefeld

by arrangement

Is your child behind or slow in cer­tain school sub­jects? At Open Lear­ning Space, spe­cia­li­sed tea­chers for „Pri­mar­schu­le,“ „Sekun­dar­schu­le“ and „Gym­na­si­um“ sup­port your child’s indi­vi­du­al needs. With a free tri­al les­son, needs are asses­sed and fur­ther pro­ce­du­res dis­cus­sed. Our tea­chers are kee­ping track of sub­jects cover­ed and give regu­lar feed­back to the pedago­gi­cal super­vi­sor and the student’s par­ents. Open Lear­ning Space offers a plea­sant lear­ning atmo­sphe­re in the midst of the cen­tral­ly loca­ted Zurich See­feld neigh­bour­hood. You can easi­ly reach us coming from the city cen­ter or the Sta­del­ho­fen train sta­ti­on, using the tram lines 2 and 4.

Tog­e­ther we will mas­ter every challenge!

Free trial lesson